Justice for Tame Pit Bull Murdered By Police

Justice for Tame Pit Bull Murdered By Police

  • author: Care2.com
  • target: Commerce City's Interim Chief of Police Chuck Saunier
  • signatures: 87
Kenny Collins wouldn't have called the police if he knew they would murder his neighbor's dog.

Collins called 911 for animal control when he realized a neighborhood pit bull had gotten loose when his owners were out of the area. He did not intend to cause any harm to the dog; he merely wanted to ensure it returned home safely.

When police arrived, however, they tased the calm dog twice. When the dog understandably reacted to such cruel treatment by fleeing further into the garage, the cops decided its behavior was threatening. They shot the pit bull five times, even after a catch pole had calmed it down.

Tragedies like this could be easily prevented if police training involved better animal treatment protocol, or if police officers kept calm before reacting in similar controlled situations.

Urge Commerce City's Chief of Police Chuck Saunier to take appropriate measures against the cops who murdered this pit bull and to ensure officers treat animals with care.
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