Nišava: “Spider-Man” Saves Stranded Dog on a Freezing Riverbank

“Spider-Man” Saves Stranded Dog on a Freezing Riverbank

There’s a dog trapped on the riverbank and no one stops to help. The dog catchers, police and fire department have all waved their hands in refusal. They all agree that the dog “can’t” be rescued in such a precarious location. But they are dead wrong and one man is about to prove it.
Watch dog rescuer Sasha Pesic calmly slip into a Spider-Man-like persona and climb down a bridge to reach the frightened dog stranded by the water below. Be prepared to get swept away in the way that Sasha makes such an incredible feat look quite easy. If you’re in a hurry, skip to the 30 second mark and start watching from there.

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Care2 /
Zox Raymaker

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