Help us stop the EU supporting whaling


The British government says it does not support commercial whale hunting. The EU does not allow its Member States to trade in whale products..., why do the UK and the rest of the EU allow ships carrying whale meat and products to dock at their ports?
Icelandic and Norwegian whalers have transferred whale products through Southampton, Rotterdam and Hamburg among others.
By allowing ships containing whale products to pass through its ports - the EU is helping the trade in whale products and supporting commercial whaling. And by accepting port fees from shippers, EU countries are profiting from whaling!
Shipping whale meat across the globe without stopping at EU ports is very expensive. Transporting it by air is even more costly. If we can close off EU ports to whale cargo we can hit the whalers in the pocket and will be another step closer to stopping whaling forever.
Fin whale flensing

Your support is greatly appreciated. It's people like you that will help us to stop whaling once and for all.
Whaling is cruel and completely unnecessary.  Together we will consign the slaughter to history.
With best wishes
Chris Butler-Stroud
WDC chief executive

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